Sunday, December 23, 2007
Today, I found out.
From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.
-The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
-Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
-Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.
-The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
-The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
-The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
-Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
-The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
-Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
-The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.
-The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
-The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
So there is your history for today. This knowledge was shared with me and I found it interesting and enlightening and now I know how that strange song became a Christmas pass it on if you wish."
Merry (Twelve Days of) Christmas Everyone!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Redecorating 101: How not to do it!

In case you couldn't tell, this is my sectional sofa under all that sheet rock, roof shingles, insulation and limbs.
Yep you guessed it, it's ruined.
We have a great contractor! They are going to replace everything structural that is damaged, including the floor and the ceiling fan.
Then, we get to pick out new furniture, which we have already been looking at. We decided that we are going to go with a sofa and two nice over sized recliners instead of a sectional this time around. We picked out black tables this time, which is so against what we normally do. I think we are even considering putting ceramic flooring down in that room instead of laminate flooring. Never can tell what we may
Right now, we are staying in the Best Western Motel with four dogs in one room. It's slightly crowded in We may be here for 4 - 8 more weeks depending on when inspectors can be arranged to sign off on the work as it is done. They are having to work on the gas line that ran through the attic and the electric wires that were going through the truss in the attic. Two of the trusses have to be replaced up there. We get to pick out new colors for the walls and ceiling and get the boards on the outside of the house replaced that were rotted. We also get a new chimney too.
So, think about us when you look out in the yard when the wind is blowing and those tall trees start swaying back and!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sock Blockers

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Contest, Contest, Contest
Dandy's Blog
Jane's Blog
There's always fun on blogs!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
New Socks on thier way to the Czech Republic

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sock Blockers Are A Hit!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
On the crafting note!
I just finished one scarf for a coworker and started another one for someone else. While eating in a restaurant on Friday night someone else wanted one just like it, but in bright red. I think I am going to make one just like it for my scarf swap partner. I'll have to go to the yarn shop to get a special color for her. The scarf knits up really fast, so it won't take long to get it done.
I made 6 pairs of wooden sock blockers today, that will be sold in a yarn shop. I will deliver them next Saturday, if not sooner. It is a neat way to make a little extra money to support my knitting I might even take a day off and go around to all the yarn shops around the Atlanta area to see who else might want to carry them. I am customizing them with the shop's logo. I am also going to sell them here on my blog.
I have also been encouraged to make a pattern calendar to sell. I will design 12 patterns, one for each month, print the photo of the item on the front of the page with the calendar month and then put the pattern on the back of the page. The printer is going to put them on card stock and bind them. The calendar won't be ready until next fall for 2009. It will be an awesome thing to work on. I already have three yarn shops that will carry the calendar. I already have three patterns ready and have started knitting the items to be photographed. This calendar will also be available on my blog as well. I am going to use yarns from several different companies to give some variety and show how the yarns knit up in patterns.
I took Ripley, Dottie and Emmie to Howloweenie on Saturday, we all had a blast and the dogs were so exhausted that they slept all the way home, ate their dinner and slept right on through the night. I entered Ripley in the Hunt in the Hay contest and he came in second. I also had all three doxies IQ tested. Ripley and Dottie scored 19 out of 20 points, but Emmie, being a baby only scored 14 out of 20. She couldn't quite get the idea that she had to turn the empty can over to get the treat out. It was a hoot. The even had doxie races for doxies in wheel chairs! They were so precious. It made me sad seeing these puppies that were paralyzed in their back legs. The owners said that the dogs lived as good a life and any other doxie did and made me wish that I hadn't put Rosie down. I know now that I could have learned to care for her and keep her with me even longer. I'm sitting her crying now, hoping that God will forgive me for not letting her keep on living. She was just the sweetest puppy in the world and had such a bad beginning in life. In the 18 months that we had her, we watched her blossom into a beautiful Rose (my Rosie). I'll always love her!
Changes in Life!
In case you don't know, Cathy has moved out. We told her she needed to move by 11/9/07, but she decided to move out last Monday while I was at work. With the help of God, I made the decision, the week before that she needed to go. Things were way too stressful for Chuck and I, having someone else living in the house.
Chuck was very stressed with everything that was going on, especially with the state of mind he was in since his stroke, and I have to put his health and well being first. He has been my best friend for 30 years now and I'm not going to let anyone on this earth come between us or cause any problems for him if I can help it.
I wish Cathy all the best and hope that she finds someone to settle down with, that will meet her needs.
Monday, October 15, 2007
THE War has begun!
I knitted as fast as I have every done with my addie turbos - the best weapon for socks - even knitting in restaurants, in church, and in bed to all hours of the night to get my pair finished. I got them done at 11:00pm last night, turned out the lights, slide under the covers and tried to sleep knowing I had to go to work this morning. At 6:00 when the clock went off, I ran to the living room to turn the computer on, to print my express mail label with postage, put the socks and yarn label in an envelope and rushed to get dressed for work. On the way to work I dropped my envelope into the express mail box. My target (Stephane in NH) will be dead (only in the sense of sockwars) no later than 3:00pm on tuesday. Now I have to hide in my fox hole hoping that my assassin has not been as speedy as I. Rumor has it that she out to do me in very soon. Maybe I could just not be around when the mailman delivers the I guess that won't work, I'll have to come up with another idea, maybe leave the country in disquise with a false passport.
None the less, the battle continues. I'll keep you posted on my life and death adventure through this war - SOCKWARS - that is!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Designing my first sock pattern
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A super great weekend
Then it was off to meet Chuck, Jason and the two youngest grandsons at Discover Mills Mall. We met them in the food court for lunch. Chuck had gyros, Cathy and I had Popeyes Chicken----very good-----we
Today, we went to Church and then out to lunch at Red Lobster for all you can eat shrimp----now that was very good! Before we could even get out of the resturant, Cathy and I both were in the bathroom and then again after getting home. We came in the house, Cathy went to her room, Chuck sat on the sofa and I layed down on the sofa with a wet wash clothe. Chuck felt fine, but I finally went and layed down in the bed to nurse my wash clothe and did go to sleep. After getting up, I found out that Cathy was feeling the same way I was. We thought about what we had eaten and figured that it had to be the chicken from the day before. We won't be eating at Popeyes any time
Tomorrow, Chuck has his indeepth memory testing, an all day test. If he makes it through the entire test, we will be there from 9 - 5. I get to go back with him for the beginning to answer some questions, then I'll be banned from the testing area. I am taking a project that I am test kniting for a designer and some socks just in case I finish with the first project. I am going to surf the library site tonight to download a really good book, to listen to while knitting.
Keep Chuck in your prayers tomorrow as he is nervous about this testing. He still has it in the back of his head that they might find something terrible and put him away somewhere away from me. I keep telling him that won't happen, but in his state of confusion he still forgets.
Cathy flies tomorrow, so she will be missed greatly. We have become a little family here.
Then, next saturday, Chuck's brother will be coming down from Indy with his youngest daughter Shelly. I have taken the week off---much needed time---and we are going to Stone Mountain, The Coca Cola Museum and The Georgia Aquarium. Cathy leaves on Saturday, but will be home in time to go to the Aquarium with us. She still wants to go to Stone Mountain and the Coke Museum, but we will just have to schedule them for another time when she is home.
I am going to show Shelly how to make Mama Dot's Hot Gravey while she is here. Chuck's mom made this awesome gravey. I am the only one that has the recipe and knows how to make it. So, I am going to teach Shelly how to make it so that the recipe will keep going strong. It is so simple, but it's one of those that you have to smell of it to know that it is ready to eat. So, on sunday we will have roast beef, hot gravey, potato salad, homemade biscuits and some fresh green beans, maybe even some deviled eggs. So, come on over, there will be plenty, as I don't know how to cook for a small group, only for armys of people.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Miracles do happen!

I tried another tutorial that KyleAnn wrote. She put it on one of my WhoDuKnit group and I just couldn't get it. I thought it was just me, but then I heard that several people had the same problems I did, so I felt better and decided I would wait until Cathy moved down here, to try to get it again. KyleAnn has her tutorial posted all over the internet on several groups and blogs and am hearing from others that they are having problems learning it too. Cathy made it so easy to learn and finished my first pair within a week and a half.
And I must say they are beautiful! Now, I have lots of sock yarn to make all kinds of designs and colors to wear.
I am going to create some of my own designs, so be on the lookout for them!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Look What I Brought Home Today!!!!
Today, a very sweet lady by the name of Sandra, drove from Hayden, AL to Breman, GA with Pete and a couple of other surprises. Cathy and I drove to Breman, GA to pick up Pete and complete the second leg of his transport. We then drove from Breman, Ga to Buford, GA and dropped Pete off with Katie. She then drove the next leg of the transport. And it went on from there. The transport will take two days and Pete will end up in Baltimore, MD to another foster mom to await adoption. It takes a lot of time out of your day and a lot of gas out of your car, but believe me, it is well worth the time and expense to help save a baby. Two of my three doxies are rescues and I probably will never go to a breeder again for a baby, they will all be rescues from now on.
Well the surprise today was that Sandy had two 3 1/2 week old kittens in her suv that were being bottle fed. I was in hog heaven when I saw them. They are both calico's and beautiful. One is the normal looking calico and one has some tiger striping on her.
Cathy and I had originally planned on stopping at walmart to get our nails done after dropping off Pete, but I decided that I would just let Cathy get her nails done and I would just run into walmart to get some kitten milk and some canned food for the baby's and just sit in the air conditioned car with them. By the time Cathy was finished I had the babies fed and pottied, yes you have to help them go potty when they are so young. Now these babies are 3 1/2 weeks old but look like they are only about 2 maybe 2 1/2 weeks because of the hard start they had. Sandy got a call about a week ago and responded knowing that some animals needed help. When she got there, there were 16 dogs and 16 cats that needed to be rescued, along with these little girls. Their mom didn't have milk to feed them, as she wasn't being fed enough to produce milk for her kittens, so Sandy started bottle feeding them. There were three to begin with, but one, the smallest, did not make it. These two did and now I have them. I get to do what I love to do best and that's being mom and caretaker and it helps Sandy, as she is picking up the rest of the cats from the vet this next week and will have a house full, with her other animals and the 32 new additions. She was excited that she would be able to stop at a real restaurant on the way home to eat instead of having to drive thru a fast food place, as the kittens can't be left in the car very long with the heat.
When we got home and picked up Chuck, we went out to eat at Zaxbys. Then back home to feed the kittens again. After they ate and pottied, they were introduced to the dogs. Star and Emmie were ok, Ripley and Dottie wanted to eat After Ripley and Dottie realized that they weren't stuffed toys, they calmed down. They found out that if they wanted to sit with me when I was holding the kittens, they had to be nice and kind....a little hard for Dottie to do, but she managed. Star even barked when the kittens were crying, she has never had puppies, since she is a rescue, but still had the motherly concerns and wanted me to know that they were crying and to do something about it. The doxies decided that the kittens tasted good after eating, since they had kitten milk and cat food all over their faces. They all three wanted to lick them clean.
The kittens will go to work with me everyday until they are old enough to stay alone and eat on their own. Once they are older, I can come home at lunch and feed them, until they are ready to go to two feedings a day. I can't wait for them to get old enough to run around on the floor to play with the doxies.
Cathy finished her half of the friendship socks while riding, now I just have to finish mine.
Now to the really good part - these little girls need names! So post your suggestions in the comments section of this post and Chuck and I will pick the two we like the best. The winner or winners will receive a neat prize!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
My Virtual Vacation package arrived from California
But back to my package, there was also an insulated lunch bag with sheep all over it---how perfect! Then there was a book, called Knitting for Peace. It has some history about war knitting times and talks about all the different causes that need help from knitters. There are lots of patterns to go along with the special causes with do's and don't's for each group. It is really neat.
Thank you Natalie for a wonderful tour of your part of California! It was very special!
My Summer Swap package arrived from Ireland
Fiadhnat sent me some purple and red yarn from Ireland, some note pads, a ceramic thingy that you would put dried flowers in and hang on the wall, some wine charms, five different kinds of chocolate, some doilies, a memory book, and the most precious of all was a morse code necklass. It had beads on it that spelt out three words....Deb and Chuck. That was the neatest thing every and will cherish it forever!
Thank you Fiadhnat very much!
Christmas Around The World Questionnaire
How long have you been knitting? 30+ years
Would you consider yourself a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced? Intermediate
Do you have any other hobbies besides knitting? Photography
Favorite color(s)? Purple and Green
Do you collect anything? Yarn and dogs
Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? No
Do you have any pets? 4 dogs, 1 cat, 1 bird, 3 tanks of fish, 4 geckos
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate? Iced Tea
Cookies or Sweets? Sweets
Do you knit socks? Yes
If not socks then what? (tell us about your favorite knits) Bags
Do you put up a Christmas tree? If not then what do you do? I put out a ceramic tree that I made 30 years ago
Favorite holiday treats? Pie
Favorite holiday smells? Apple Pie
Do you celebrate Christmas in a traditional or unconventional way? Unconventional Please elaborate. We celebrate with the grandkids mostly
What are your favorite holiday traditions? Handmade stockings and a ceramic christmas tree
Finish the sentence: “For me Christmas is all about....” Celebrating the birth of Christ
If you were a Christmas ornament you would be…….? A star
What was your favorite gift you've ever received? Don't KnowOr given?
When do you start your Christmas? After Thanksgiving
Do you send Christmas cards? Yes Do you make them or buy them? Make them
What is your favorite Christmas dish? Ham
Carolers are at your door. What do you do? Open the door and listen to them, then thank them
When do you open presents? Christmas eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning
Do you celebrate with family or friends or both? Both
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I'm so excited!
This is going to be so much fun!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Aunt Pat turned 80!
Chuck with his Aunt!

Me with Aunt Pat

Cathy talking with Chuck, he was boring her with all of the details of the dvd that was playing during the party. It was a collection of all the old family films that had been collected over the years.
As you can see, we all dressed the part for the theme!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Helpful Rhymes
A little ditty for teaching kids (or adults) to knit:
And another one for the knit stitch:
Let's not forget purling:
And casting off:
Friday, August 10, 2007
George, Larry, his brother Daryl and his other brother Daryl

George on the blocking board!

Larry on the blocking board

Daryl and his other brother Daryl
knitted by Elaine
If you are interested in the patterns they will be available here on October 1, 2007. Come join the fun! You never know what you will fall in love with!
SP 11 Questionnaire
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? In the knitpics case they came in. The older ones are in a needle case for circular needles.
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? I have been knitting for 30+ years and taught myself to knit from a book. Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? Advanced
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? No
5. What's your favorite scent? Lavender
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Yes Favorite candy? Chocolate
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Wood crafts, jewelry making, crocheting, drawing, photography. Do you spin? No, but want to learn.
8. What kind of music do you like? Christian Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) Yes
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Green and purple Any colors you just can't stand? Nope
10. What is your family situation? I have been married for 30 years Do you have any pets? 4 dogs, 1 cat, 3 birds, 4 geckos, 3 tanks of fish
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? Yes, love all of them!
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? bags and scarves
13. What are you knitting right now? A shawl and a scarf
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? Lordy yes!
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Circular Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? Aluminum
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? Yes, both.
17. How old is your oldest UFO? 3 weeks
18. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
19. Is there anything that you collect? Miniatures and yarn!
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? Love any books on felting. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? Interweave knits, Cast On
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? Nope
22. Are you a sock knitter? Yes What are your foot measurements? I wear a size 7 shoe.
23. When is your birthday? 7/29/58
24. Are you on Ravelry? Yes If so, what's your ID? debbrown
Whew, that was alot! Anything else you want to know, just ask.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Giant Sized!

Thursday, July 05, 2007
SP 11
Friday, June 15, 2007
Lordy I love Atlanta!
Peachtree Circle
Peachtree Place
Peachtree Lane
Peachtree Road
Peachtree Parkway
Peachtree Run
Peachtree Terrace
Peachtree Avenue
Peachtree Commons
Peachtree Battle
Peachtree Corners
New Peachtree
Old Peachtree
West Peachtree
Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
Atlantans only know their way to work and their way home. If you ask anyone for directions, they will always send you down Peachtree.
Atlanta is the home of Coca-Cola. Coke's all they drink there so don't ask for any other soft drink unless it's made by Coca-Cola. Even if you want something other than a Coca-Cola, it's still called Coke.
The gates at Atlanta 's Hartsfield International Airport are about 32 miles away from the Main Concourse, so wear sneakers and pack a lunch.
The 8 am rush hour is from 6:30 to 10:30 AM.
The 5 pm rush hour is from 3:00 to 7:30 PM.
Friday's rush hour Thursday afternoon and lasts through 2 am Saturday.
Only a native of Atlanta can pronounce Ponce De Leon Avenue, so do not attempt the Spanish pronunciation. People will simply tilt their heads to the right and stare at you. The Atlanta pronunciation is "pawntz duh LEE-awn." And yes, they have a street named simply, "Boulevard."
The falling of one raindrop causes all drivers to immediately forget all traffic rules. If a single snowflake falls, the city is paralyzed for three days and it's on all the channels as a news flash every 15 minutes for a week. Overnight, all grocery stores will be sold out of milk, bread, bottled water, toilet paper, and beer.
I-285, the loop that encircles Atlanta, which has a posted speed limit of 55 mph (but you have to maintain 80 mph just to keep from getting run over), is known to truckers as "The Watermelon 500." Don't believe the directional markers on highways: I-285 is marked "East" and "West" but you may be going North or South. The locals identify the direction by referring to the "Inner Loop " and the "Outer Loop." If you travel on Hwy 92 North, you will actually be going southeast.
Never buy a ladder or mattress in Atlanta . Just go to one of the interstates and you will soon find one in the middle of the road. The last thing you want to do is give another driver the finger, unless your car is armored, your trigger finger is itchy and your AK-47 has a full clip.
Possums sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Georgia . There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Georgia , If it grows, it sticks. If it crawls, it bites.
If you notice a vine trying to wrap itself around your leg, you have about 20 seconds to escape, before you are completely captured and covered with Kudzu, another ill-advised "import," like the carp, starling, English sparrow, and other ''exotic wonders."
It's not a shopping cart, it's a buggy. "Fixinto" is one word (I'm fixinto go to the store). Sweet Tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're 2 years old.
"Jeet?" is actually a phrase meaning "Did you eat?"
"Momma-nem" means: How's Mother and all of the other children and other members of the family doing.
Lordy, I love ATLANTA !
Monday, June 11, 2007
Looky What I Got!

Saturday, June 09, 2007
My version of a moebius scarf!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Knitter's Virtual Vacation Swap Questionnaire
2. If you could visit any country in the world, other than your own, which would it be and why?England, I love the green country side and the villagesl
3. Have you ever driven across several states/providence/countries? Yes, from Georgia to Texas.
4. Have you ever visited someplace you consider exotic? Never Where was it?
5. What was your favorite "travel" vacation? To Germany Why? The snow was taller than I was.
6. Have you ever played tourist in your own home city/state (if international, country)? Yes! Explain. I like to go downtown Atlanta and go walking to see the sites.
7. Are you a museum visitor, beach comer or an amusement seeker? I love to walk the beach, but would go to every amusement park in the world if possible.
8. What's your favorite type of yarn? 100% wool.
9. What's your least favorite type of yarn? Acrylic
10. What items do you like to knit/crochet? Knit scarves, bags, socks, dishclothes
11. What do you pack, knit/crochet wise when you go on vacation? Knitting
12. What other crafts do you do/would like to do other than Knit/Crochet? Photography
13. Are you allergic to anything? (Yarn wise or treat wise) Nothing
14. What is your favorite color? Green Least Favorite? None
15. Sweet or Savory (Treat not personality)? Sweet (personality
16. Anything else we are forgetting to ask that you think your partner desperately needs to know? I love to be around people and learn new things. I really need a vacation and look forward to sharing one with a new pal!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
See what was dropped on my doorstep on Mother's Day

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Look at my new hobby!!!!!

The only thing not shown is the rubber gloves, the small bowls and the plastic wrap. The first hank, I used all four colors in their own places on the yarn.

I think it turned out nice and will make a very nice scarf, at least that is the plan for it.
Then, my plans for the next hank was to sprinkle dye it. Now that was fun, just puting the sprinkles anywhere I wanted to and mixing the colors to get more colors.

And here are both hanks hanging to dry on the back porch:

I think I have found a new fun hobby. I can just imagine what colors I can come up with by mixing kool-aid colors together. I may never have to buy yarn at the store Just imagine being able to say "I hand dyed the yarn for that handbag myself, or that shawl, or that scarf. Just think of the options. It is so much cheaper than the yarn at the LYS That's bad, don't let Joan see But, then I can start selling her some of my hand dyed
Saturday, April 21, 2007
A special evening!

The next photo is of most of the office staff I work with. There were three people in the office that weren't invited to the wait, I know that wasn't right, but it wasn't my wedding and not my decision. So, the two guys on either end are the docs, the one in white, of course the bride, Ashlee, that does check-in, the two brides maids Terri the Office Manager and Chera, also work in the front office, then there's Kim that is our xray tech and of course me that works in the back off. The three that are missing are Marie that does referrals, and Becky and Janice, also nurses like myself. Don't ask why they weren't invited, it's a very long story and don't make a whole lot of sense, but it happened.
Then there was the reason for the exciting evening! The weding of Ashlee and Todd! It was a very beautiful wedding at the Bona Allen Mansion in Historic Buford, Georgia. I thought we would never find it. I put the address in the gps unit and thought it would be a piece of cake to find, but then their was an accident on I-85 with a fatality, so they shut down the entire highway and we were only 1 1/2 miles away from the exit that we needed to get off at. Thank goodness they put 7:00pm start time for the wedding but didn't start until 7:30pm. I was able to get there right at 7:00 and get some really good photos.

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sunday 2/25 I
The next day at work was horrible and I cried all day because I was mad, so that gave me my answer. As soon as the hopsital got their paperwork together I turned in my two week notice and left. Now, my feet, legs and back hurts every day when I come home. How smart was I to give up a sit down job to take one that has me running all day at my age. Being 48, soon to be 49 in July, doesn't seem that old until you are running all But, I really do love being in the medical field. I love working with people and helping them to feel better. So, I guess it is worth it. I have lost 15 pounds this month, so I hope the pounds keep falling off with every step I make.
I am knitting all the time I'm not at work, I take my knitting with me everywhere I go. I'm working on an entrelac scarf in blue cashmere blend yarn, a booga bag, and a sleeveless sweater. I just finished a tote for my ITEIII partner, just gotta add the handles and charms and then try to figure out what to buy her for her extra goodies. I know I'm going to go by the bath and body works store. What girl doesn't like a few pampering goodies and then maybe by the christian book store to look for a neat planner, since she is going back to school in March and might need a little help with organization.
I just took a sock class and knitted a baby is so cute. I will post a photo later. My computer crashed last weekend, so I don't have any photo editing software on the new computer to be able to downsize the photos. I hate having to buy new software, as the software on the old laptop was given to me and I don't have the original copies......ugh. I think I will just buy the photoshop elements this time, it's only about $100.00 and the photoshop cs2 is about $800.00. Big difference!
I have enough sock yarn to knit 10 pairs of adult socks, but need to finish the scarf first before I start a pair of socks. I also promised my mom that I would knit her the Northern Lights sweater in one of the back issues of Interweave Knits magazine. I have all of the yarn, a whole garbage bag full, but haven't started on it yet either. I need about 24 more hours in a, or not to have to work.
The dogs are driving me crazy, they have decided to start getting up and roaming the house all night long, keeping me awake. Tonight I heard Dottie crunching on something and it was my bluetooth headset for my phone. I screamed at her and threw her in her crate. I told my hubby all four of them were sleeping in their crates at night now, so I could get more sleep. They will probably whine some and I'll have to get up and scold them to make them be quiet again, but I'm not having them roaming the house all night. Star, my big horse dog, got my entrelac scarf bag down last night and tore the bag that it was in. I had it in one of those "It's in the bag" bags. It has a handle on it, with a hole in the top to run your yarn out through. She tore the handle off and a hole in the plastic. She is 12 years old and I swear she is senile. When I got the new computer last weekend, I woke up to her tearing up the cardboard box in the kitchen floor. Why? Don't make any sense to me at all. Except that she is stupid. Dottie has also torn up two pairs of shoes in the last week. It has just not been a good time for me.
Now I have to take my old laptop that crashed, to the Geek Squad and let them retrieve all the files off the hard drive. I have tons of photos and knitting patterns on there that I do not want to loose. Being a hobby photographer, I should have put the photos on cds, but no, I couldn't be that smart. I did get a coupon from Best Buy for 10% off of an external hard drive, so you know what my next hardware purchase will