Sunday, May 13, 2007

See what was dropped on my doorstep on Mother's Day

These three baby's were abandoned by their parents and guess who is feeding them. Larry, Curly and Moe, dirty faces and all! That's what they looked like right after their afternoon feeding. They settled back into one of my old socks made into a nest and went to sleep. Jane, do these fit into your Mother's Day blessing? And they get to go to work with me everyday, since they have to be feed first thing in the morning, several times during the day, and last thing at night.

My finches just had babys and each of them died, I wonder if I put these babys in the finches nest, if they would take care of The only thing is they are already bigger than the adult finches. So, since I don't get calls, cards or gifts on Mother's Day, I guess God decided to give me three babys to take care of. Boy has it been years since I bottle fed any kittens, puppies and


Jane said...

Awww - yes, you have been blessed with three little babies to take care of - and I guess you will have to take them to work with you!

Unknown said...

They ae so cute. Give them a little blessing-kiss from me, and one to you, too :-) Love Vigdis

Cathy said...

TAG!!! You are it ..
Read my blog to find out

Psyched2Knit said...

very cool! It's kismet. P2K

Knitted Zebra said...

Catching up on your blog. I am from Mississippi and could relate to some of the things about Atlanta. My hubby lived in Atlanta a couple of years. Can't wait to read it to him. Those baby birds were so cute! Did they survive?