Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday 9/1/06

I have been up since 6:00 this morning and knitting away! I have a neat pal to knit a bag for. She has told me what she wants and hopefully I can accomplish this. I am doing a bag that is not felted and will be lined, yeah I get to shop for fabric, just as fun as drowling over the I'm not sharing the colors yet, cause I want Ang to be surprised. The handles are done and the bag is halfway finished.

The only break I have had so far, except for now, was for two hours to go get my nails done. My hubby is going to kill me, since I need to do some things in the house, but just don't want to. I am having too much fun knitting this bag.

I hope Ang likes a little silk mixed in with her wool!

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